Review of Pennsylvania Senate Bill 841 and Related Scheduled Business Openings (April 24)

On Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Tom Wolf, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, issued guidance for businesses in the real estate industry, allowing them to operate during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) restrictions, regardless of their county’s red, yellow or green phase status.
Paycheck Protection Program and Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Grants Re-Funded
Today, April 24, 2020, President Trump signed into law an amendment to the CARES Act relating to additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Emergency Economic Injury Disaster (EIDL) grants, and other disaster loans. Specifically, the amendment provides for an extra $310B in funding for PPP and $10B for EIDL grants. Additionally, $50B in […]
Review of Pennsylvania Senate Bill 841 and Related Scheduled Business Openings (April 24)

(Updated April 24, 2020) On April 20, 2020, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed Senate Bill 841 into law and announced the first few incremental changes toward opening up Pennsylvania after its shutdown to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Governor Wolf announced the restart of construction projects statewide starting Friday, May 1, curbside pickup of […]