As part of our “30 Acts of Giving” campaign, FLB donated 30 pounds of healthy and whole grain food to Allentown Rescue Mission. Last year, the organization provided over 48,000 nutritious meals to community members in need.

Allentown Rescue Mission is a shelter for homeless and impoverished men in Allentown, open Monday through Saturday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Their mission is to provide “critically-needed goods and services to homeless and impoverished men, without regard to race, color, creed, national origin or religion.”
The organization is always looking for friendly faces and helping hands, so follow this link for volunteer opportunities!
As part of FLB’s 30th Anniversary, we decided to give back to the community that has helped us through the years. Our “30 Acts of Giving” campaign entailed collecting donations for and volunteering our time at 30 local charitable organizations.