The “30 Acts of Giving” campaign covered the board in early December, as we called Bingo at the Old York Road Senior Center. Staff volunteered to run a mid-week Bingo session, complete with prize bags and a snack table for the 40 competitors. Homemade holiday cards were also given to each of the residents in attendance. Volunteers and Bingo players alike filled the night with cheesy jokes, train whistles, jingling gifts, and lots of laughter: the best ways to spread holiday cheer.

Old York Road Senior Center is dedicated to helping seniors live full and social lives, regardless of disabilities or health concerns. The organization makes sure to host a variety of planned events, such as a weekly (and intensely competitive) Thursday night Bingo hour, while also allowing for people to come and simply enjoy each other’s company.
As part of FLB’s 30th Anniversary, we decided to give back to the community that has helped us through the years. Our “30 Acts of Giving” campaign entailed collecting donations for and volunteering our time at 30 local charitable organizations.