The “30 Acts of Giving” campaign was still going strong in mid-December as FLB employees donated cleaning and birthday party supplies to New Bethany Ministries. With this donation, we hope to make some holidays a bit lighter and birthdays a lot brighter for patrons of New Bethany.

New Bethany Ministries is “an interfaith, non-profit organization with its main location in Southside Bethlehem. With 13 full-time and 5 part-time staff members, New Bethany Ministries mobilizes community partnerships, relies heavily on volunteers, and practices sound fiscal stewardship to impact almost 7,000 people annually.”
Find out how you can make a difference with this organization on their “Ways to Help” page.
As part of FLB’s 30th Anniversary, we decided to give back to the community that has helped us through the years. Our “30 Acts of Giving” campaign entailed collecting donations for and volunteering our time at 30 local charitable organizations.