The final volunteer event of the 2018 “30 Acts of Giving” campaign was with Ripple Community. Saving the earliest for last, FLB employees arrived at Ripple before work, ready to serve a hearty breakfast to those in line. Some of us were toast masters, others manned the toppings stations, while still more divvied out the Cheerios. We were more than happy to give our time to provide approximately 60 people with the most important meal of the day.

Ripple Community, Inc. is a “non-profit organization that has emerged from the work of Ripple Church, an urban Anabaptist faith community. Since 2011, Ripple Church has worked with people who are on the margins of society in Allentown to restore critical relationships, build community, and address material and relational needs.”
Find out how you can donate here!
As part of FLB’s 30th Anniversary, we decided to give back to the community that has helped us through the years. Our “30 Acts of Giving” campaign entailed collecting donations for and volunteering our time at 30 local charitable organizations.